Just how cute does little 3 month old Jamie look with his small cream sleepytot bunny?!
Jamie’s Mummy Brie sent us an e-mail with this picture and this is what she had to say:
"Jamie was givin his sleepytot bunny as a gift when he was born and at 3 months he is already showingsigns of becoming attached to it! He gives a great big grin whenever he sees the bunny’s lovely smiley face!
I have no doubt that it will help us as he gets older with the dreaded dummy runs in the night.
It is such a lovely, long lasting present but I can see us needing to get a second one soon for spare!
With love Brie and Jamie x"
Thanks so much for sharing your picture with us Brie, we hope that Jamie’s bunny becomes a great friend and will also help you all get some sleep as he gets older!