
Reggie is star of the blog!

Reggie is star of the blog!

Now just how cute is little Reggie who is our star of the blog for October!

Yes that is 6 Sleepytot bunnies you see on his lap!

We were thrilled to receive this picture of Reggie, here is what his mum Alayna had to say:


We just wanted to show you our nearly 3 year old (Reggie) with all his sleepytots he’s collected over his three short years!

He loves Mr Snuggles (as he’s known in our house) and has never had a night apart from him, not only does Mr Snuggles keep Reggie company when he’s asleep he’s needed at all times of crisis too such as bumping his head, falling over, etc. Reggie also insists on having Mr Snuggles in one hand whilst having his morning/nighttime milk.

My husband actually refers to him as ‘Marine’ snuggles because he’s trained and ready for any occasion!

Hope you like the photo!

Alayna Clewes

Thanks so much for sharing this with us and a big thumbs up to Reggie and Mr Snuggles from all of us at Sleepytot HQ!