A common sleep problem that parents often encounter and find the most difficult to resolve is their baby waking too early.
Very often parents will try to resolve this by putting their baby to bed later. However, many find that this doesn’t help and for some it makes matters even worse.
If you are struggling to resolve the issue of your baby waking too early, you may be surprised by our first suggestion to improve things quickly.
Establish a “day start time” …
The first step to take is to decide on the time of day you’re happy to get up and start the day as a family.
You have to make this a time that’s realistic for you as a family. For many this may be around 6 -7am.
Of course your little one isn’t going to automatically know that this is your plan – so it does take training!
If your little one wakes before your “day start time”, treat it as we recommend for a Night Time Waking. Firstly, leave your baby until he cries or calls for you. Sometimes he will put himself back to sleep. When you do go in, tell your little one that it’s sleep time and then leave the room. Our article on Baby Sleep Training – Return and Check will give you a lot more information on this.
As always with baby and toddler sleep, your child is an individual and the above is a suggestion you can try to stop the early waking.
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The Award Winning Baby Comforter