If your little one has never used a baby comforter then it is possible that you are asking yourself this very question.
Studies have shown that babies and toddlers who use a baby comforter are significantly more likely to sleep through the night than those with no comforter.
A key reason for this is that when a baby forms an attachment with a baby comforter, be it a blankie or soft toy, they are able to self soothe. So instead of crying out for you to soothe them the comforter provides this support.
Effectively baby comforters work in the same way as when you rock, cuddle ort feed your little one to sleep.
You may be finding that you have to get up several times throughout the night and provide this form of comfort to your baby after she wakes. If this is the case and you are finding this a challenge then introducing a baby comforter could be a worthwhile investment.
Your baby can learn to use the comforter to soothe herself independently without calling you.
Studies have also found that baby comforters can also play a significant role in helping children cope when they are anxious or concerned.
A baby comforter will provide your baby with reassurance during times of stress, change and separation.
The multi award winning Sleepytot baby comforter has helped thousands of parents and babies. You can read their stories on our Star of the Blog section.