Yes, it’s true the Sleepytot Bunny can help and support you as you wean your little one off their dummy as they grow older.
We understand that some parents may be concerned that the Sleepytot Baby Comforter will have the opposite affect, however our experience, and that of countless other parents, has been that when it comes to weaning your little one off their dummy, the Sleepytot Baby Comforter has made the process simple.
Due to the strong bonding that babies and little ones form with their Sleepytot Bunny, when it comes to removing the dummy iteself, your little one will still have their Sleepytot Bunny with them at all times – so they don’t experience the stress of removing the dummy itself.
Most parents are quite amazed at what happens when they remove the dummy from their little ones’ Sleepytot Baby Comforter.
Lizzie’s mum was amazed at what happened when she removed the dummy from Lizzie’s Sleepytot Baby Comforter …
Here’s Lizzie’s story …
“I was amazed at Lizzie’s reaction she turned her Sleepytot around a few times and then rolled over cuddled her Sleepytot and went to sleep.”
You can Read more here about Lizzie’s experience with her Sleepytot Bunny
Madeleine’s mum experienced very little reaction when she removed the dummy from Madeleine’s Sleepytot Baby Comforter …
“I also think the sleepytot was the ideal toy to wean her off her dummies (which we wanted to do before her sibling arrives) we gradually took a dummy away at a time and noticed she liked to tickle her face with with the ears and we had no fuss what so ever!”
You can Read more here about Madeleine’s experience with her Sleepytot Bunny
So if you have been putting off getting your little one their very own Sleepytot Baby Comforter – wait no longer – you’ll be really happy that you did.