Sleep Solutions

Why Your Baby Wakes Every Four Hours

Why Your Baby Wakes Every Four Hours

Ever noticed that your little one seems to wake up every few hours crying, stirring or calling out your name? If this pattern is a nightly occurrence in your household then rest assured that you are not alone. In fact; this is a normal sleeping cycle that most healthy children (and adults) go through every night – but for some it can make for a regular pattern of broken sleep (and a few irritable moods the morning after!)

During the night, babies’ brainwaves shift as they move from REM sleep to different stages of non-REM sleep. As they transition from one stage of sleep to the next, most babies will wake up. (Adults wake during this stage too, but it is for such a brief period that we rarely remember it).

For some babies, waking up during the transition period will cause them to cry, or call out for you. The key is to help babies to self-sooth during this period, which is why so many parents find our Sleepytot baby comforter such a great help when it comes to their babies achieving a good night’s sleep.